Monday, November 21, 2011

I am finally ready to admit it, Day 3

Ok. I am fat. kooshy, poushy, zaftig, soft, squishy, what ever you want to call it. I am it. I have been having a relationship with food. It is by no means healthy. It has gotten to the point where I think about food all day and when I get home, I eat dinner and am already thinking what I can have as a snack. Now, my eating habits, obviously, are not healthy. I usually skip breakfast, if i eat lunch it is something small and then dinner and whatever I shovel into my face during the course of the evening. If I do have something for breakfast, it is usually something like a breakfast burrito or a instant breakfast drink, and then lunch later. It doesn't stop my from stuffing my self sick later. And yes, I do mean sick. There is many a night that I have acid reflux. I have recently been put on nexium, which seems to help me sleep better at night.
They say the first step is admitting you have a problem. There, I admit it. I have a food addiction and I may need help.