Friday, January 13, 2012

Day 4.... These seem to be long days, huh?

Yes, it has been more than a few days since I have updated here. Let's see, what to talk about? I only have a few moments here right now.

Something that is bothering me? How is it that you have all the media making fun of this guy for his beliefs? It doesn't affect anyone.

And yet, this family is like American royalty? The main reason they became popular? One of them made a porno, and then somehow, they blossomed, like herpes and won't go away........

One side is trying to live a just and fair life. The other? Um, not so much. I am not a Bronco fan, as I am a Pittsburgh Gal all the way. However, after Tebow beat the Steelers, in an interview, he said he was glad for the win but even happier by the fact he got to spend time with a girl before the game and was going to go back to hang out with her. What made the girl special? She was around 16 and had already had 72 SURGERIES!It was a Make a Wish type thing.  Are you kidding me? That is wonderful.

Now the other side......... Every where you tune, BOOM!!!!!! There is something about one or all of the kardashians. They should just rename the E! Network the Kardashian station. I don't need to see any ones life on TV or the media that much. There isn't anyone that I need to see that much. They aren't that interesting either. On the off chance that I go into a room and the show is on and i am too lazy to change the channel, I swear I feel my brain leaking out of my ear........