Monday, November 21, 2011

I am finally ready to admit it, Day 3

Ok. I am fat. kooshy, poushy, zaftig, soft, squishy, what ever you want to call it. I am it. I have been having a relationship with food. It is by no means healthy. It has gotten to the point where I think about food all day and when I get home, I eat dinner and am already thinking what I can have as a snack. Now, my eating habits, obviously, are not healthy. I usually skip breakfast, if i eat lunch it is something small and then dinner and whatever I shovel into my face during the course of the evening. If I do have something for breakfast, it is usually something like a breakfast burrito or a instant breakfast drink, and then lunch later. It doesn't stop my from stuffing my self sick later. And yes, I do mean sick. There is many a night that I have acid reflux. I have recently been put on nexium, which seems to help me sleep better at night.
They say the first step is admitting you have a problem. There, I admit it. I have a food addiction and I may need help.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Day 2, it's been a while

 It has certainly been awhile since I posted on here. I wanted to do this weekly to start, but, as usual, life just got in the way.
 The day after I started this blog, I was in an auto accident and that just prolonged things. Then a friend moved back to the city and states after being gone from both for 16 years. And then another friend passed away unexpectedly. I have been doing physical therapy twice a week from the accident. Which means getting up before the ass-crack of dawn to go to it so that I can make it to work in time!
 So, well over a month later, here I am. Happy?!?
 I suppose I should backtrack a bit, huh?  Yea, the day after I started this, I was on the bus on my way to work and a mini-van blew through a stop sign. The bus hit the mini-van. Thankfully, there wasn't anyone in the van aside from the driver, who admitted he wasn't paying attention to the stop sign. I was sitting on a bench seat facing the isle and got jostled side ways. Long story short, I got compression fractures of the T6-7-and 8. I went for an MRI. Freaked out! I think I know what it is like to lay in a casket. I don't want to be conscious for that! On Monday, the 31st, I am going to a larger MRI and will have been given a valium before hand. Sometimes, the pain is more than a bit unbearable. But I just have to grit my teeth and deal with it.
 There have been many times during my last post that I have thought, "I have to remember to post about this or that" Guess what? I forgot! I have to figure a few things out about using this site. Like posting photos and stuff. There will be times where I swear or am snarky. I will try not to swear often. The snarkiness? Well, that is just part of who I am. Take it or leave it. I should probably carry a little notebook with me to jot down ideas I want to write about. We'll see. So, for now, we are going to give this another try!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Day 1

  Hi All. So, this is my first post of my new blog. I won't be curing anything, not going to bring world peace, or anything like that. Maybe this will be a little theraputic for me? Who knows. We will see where it goes. About me, to introduce myself. 
  My name is JoAnn. I am singe and I have no kids. Although, most of the people that I know are in relationships and/or have kids. Me? I have a cat, hence the name of this blog. I am happy for people that are in relationships and/or have kids. I hate however, when they make the comment, "Be happy. It's not all it's cracked up to be." Maybe, maybe not.....
  Anyway.... I work full-time at a museum. I like my job. But seriously, if given the option to have possibly've been born a Hilton, a Trump, or heck, a lottery winner, I would love to have my own little gift shop or craft store. Something like that. Oh, or maybe, The Madd Hatters Tea and Cupcake Shoppe! Something that specializes in Tea Parties and specialty cupcakes! Something creative instead of the corporate world.
  I am a crafty person. I like to paint, art journals, make gifts, stuff like that. I get inspiration from different things and places and blogs.
  Um, lets see how this goes! More later.