Friday, October 28, 2011

Day 2, it's been a while

 It has certainly been awhile since I posted on here. I wanted to do this weekly to start, but, as usual, life just got in the way.
 The day after I started this blog, I was in an auto accident and that just prolonged things. Then a friend moved back to the city and states after being gone from both for 16 years. And then another friend passed away unexpectedly. I have been doing physical therapy twice a week from the accident. Which means getting up before the ass-crack of dawn to go to it so that I can make it to work in time!
 So, well over a month later, here I am. Happy?!?
 I suppose I should backtrack a bit, huh?  Yea, the day after I started this, I was on the bus on my way to work and a mini-van blew through a stop sign. The bus hit the mini-van. Thankfully, there wasn't anyone in the van aside from the driver, who admitted he wasn't paying attention to the stop sign. I was sitting on a bench seat facing the isle and got jostled side ways. Long story short, I got compression fractures of the T6-7-and 8. I went for an MRI. Freaked out! I think I know what it is like to lay in a casket. I don't want to be conscious for that! On Monday, the 31st, I am going to a larger MRI and will have been given a valium before hand. Sometimes, the pain is more than a bit unbearable. But I just have to grit my teeth and deal with it.
 There have been many times during my last post that I have thought, "I have to remember to post about this or that" Guess what? I forgot! I have to figure a few things out about using this site. Like posting photos and stuff. There will be times where I swear or am snarky. I will try not to swear often. The snarkiness? Well, that is just part of who I am. Take it or leave it. I should probably carry a little notebook with me to jot down ideas I want to write about. We'll see. So, for now, we are going to give this another try!

1 comment:

  1. I seriously had no idea you were in an accident. How did I miss that? See ya tonight!
